Black olives contain a lot of fat, fatty acids and calories. These fats are unsaturated fatty acids and those omega-3 fatty acids are useful for maintaining cardiovascular health and maintaining their activity. It also works to reduce cholesterol in the blood, which leads to a decrease in the incidence of heart disease and arteries, and works to prevent the prevention of cancer of cancer tumors because it contains a high percentage of vitamin E. Maintains the health of the skin because it works to protect him from ultraviolet light, Also of skin cancer. It protects against the symptoms of premature aging. It helps to relieve asthma and also treats osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis because it contains polyphenols that act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Black olives contain a high percentage of iron and thus increase the ability of the red blood cells to carry oxygen to all tissues of the body so it is a good food for people with anemia or anemia. It gives a sense of energy and the body needs to perform the functions entrusted to it. Black olives maintain eye health and improve vision, especially at night. It also acts as a clitoris of eye water, blue water and other eye diseases. It contains a good percentage of antioxidants and is completely free of harmful fats but contains monounsaturated fats. It works to lower high blood pressure because it contains oleic acid. Helps to get rid of unwanted extra weight.