Blood cholesterol: - Improves the level of cholesterol in the blood, because it contains antioxidants.
Refreshing the reaction: - Contains caffeine, which acts as a strong stimulant of the mind, and some athletes have praised the impact on their performance, especially if the sleep hours they have not enough.
Cancer protection: - Coffee contains Praxanthine, which has a strong effect against cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. It works to slow the growth of cancer cells and to counter liver cirrhosis. It protects against two types of cancer: liver cancer and colorectal cancer.
Dental Health: - Contains the substance of tannins, which works to reduce the formation of sediments, and also inhibits the growth of bacteria Streptococcus, which works on the decay of teeth.
Fat Burning: - Many studies have shown that caffeine can increase body fat burning and increase metabolic rate.
Diabetes type 2: Studies have shown that the risk of type 2 diabetes decreases by 9% per person who takes one cup of coffee per day.
Parkinson's disease: Studies have shown that drinking coffee regularly reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's disease by 25%.