Cumin is one of famous spice in the world, his native is Egypt and Turkestan, but it is grown today in various of Mediterranean regions, including Iran, Pakistan, India, China and the southern United States.
the ancient Egyptians Known the cumin and discovered its importance in the analysis and cleaning, they were present it as a gifts to temples , it came in ancient papyri among more than 60 prescriptions, including the treatment of fever, tapeworms, indigestion, intestinal colic and the expulsion of gases and as an antidote to the heavy of menstruation.
The Egyptians also making ointment from cumin to analgesic the stomach pain, and pain of rheumatism and arthritis, colds and heal burns.
It is known that cumin is the treatment of irritable bowel disease, which is also used as a repelling for gas and analgesic for colic.
Housewife can put it with eggs or meat to gives it a distinctive flavor and improves digestion.
It can be used as a spice with vinegar, or when soak the meat before cooking with cumin and vinegar, or consumption of protein foods with cumin and vinegar, such as eating with chickpeas or beans.
It could be useful in cases of gastritis, when the housewife add it in food such as meat dishes. It also facilitates the process of digestion of food.